I went to a baby shower yesterday. It was beautiful and the mother-to-be looked radiant. It reminded me of my own baby shower before the twins were born, and of how little I knew about what I needed or of what to expect.
I thought I'd list some items I found most useful with newborns, and some, not so much, and why...
Moses basket. I didn't even know what these were until we got them as a gift - and I would not have been as happy a mommy to twins if I had not had them. Putting a baby in a bassinet is one thing, but a bassinet you can then carry around the house in is quite another!
Diaper Genie. I still could not live in my house without this. But get one that works with regular trash bags or you will be spending entirely too much time in Babies R Us.
Boppy. It's just WAY easier than propping pillows!
Pack n play
Carbon Monoxide detector
Onsies. Obviously.
Changing table with pad and cover.
I like the nightgowns with the open elastic bottoms so changes do not require snaps.
Cloth diapers. For burp clothes, clean up rags, whatever!
A CD with some classic children's songs... unless you actually remember any of them (I did not)
A digital baby monitor (better signal that reaches a further distance)
A bathtub thermometer so you do not have to try to "feel" whether the temp is OK. Yes, you may be able to now, but once you are sleep deprived and struggling to juggle five tasks it isn't quite so easy.
A kit with baby nail clippers, diaper rash ointment, thermometer, nasal suction thingy.
Night lights (for your room, hallways, etc)
Oh, and they now have clock radios that project the time onto the ceiling... I wish we'd had one when the kids were small - I always was stretching around in bed to check the time.
At least one crib toy or mobile (preferably with sounds and lights and white noise option)
A copy of "What to Expect the First Year", "Happiest Baby on the Block" is also great.
A baby book (unless you are a scrapbook person), for recording 'firsts'
Graco snugride car seat and base
Stroller.. I have been through many, so don't get too crazy on your first pick
A doorway jumper. This is clutch from about 5 months to a year.
A gym mat for tummy time, the more toys and mirrors the better.
Gate(s) for doorways and stairs
electric outlet plug covers
Stick on shade for the car window
bjorn or similar carrier (all of them are good, even for $15 at Target!)
A diaper bag with at least one pocket that keeps a bottle at temp, or a cool
sippy cool.
exersaucerA bouncy seat
hooded bath towel(s)
We love twilight turtle. It projects stars onto the ceiling and shuts off after 45 minutes.
Gift certificates for nearby restaurants with take out.
A gift certificate for a housecleaning after the baby comes home!
Not so much:
Bottles. You can get all of the advice and recommendations you like, but I tried four different brands of bottles before landing the one I liked best and that worked for both of my babies. If you register for bottles, make it a small starter pack, not the entire Dr. Brown's collection.
Pacifiers. Same gripe here, it is impossible to predict what brand or style your baby will like, if any.
Diapers. To be honest, you can start with a pack, but you may go through a few brands before deciding on the one you like. Some are wider, some hold more, it depends on how your baby is built.
Breast pump. Really, you don't know until you get there.
Bottle warmer. The only reason your baby likes warm milk is because it's closer to breast milk, but when we went into summer and mine were about three months, I just gave them room temp and it was fine.
Wipe warmer. Never had one, never missed it.