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Friday, June 26, 2009

Campus Outreach Services

Ok, so I have not been very prolific here of late... but I have a great reason. I found some contract employment! Very, very part time work-from-home writing assignments, but still - in this climate, I am fortunate. And not only in just having projects to work on, but even more fortunate in how I feel about the employer.

Campus Outreach Services is an organization that you may or may not have heard of. If you have a senior in high school, they probably had Katie Koestner speak to their class this year. Ask them. If they did not, find out why their school is not offering these presentations.

Before taking on some assignments for COS, I went and heard Katie speak to Downingtown West's seniors. Unlike the students, I had an idea of what they were about to witness... but like them, I was astounded at the relevance, the poignancy and the power of the live presentation.

I am sure I will be blogging a bit more about this in the future, but for now, I just wanted to share what has kept me so busy and why I am so excited to be involved with it.