Blogs > Two Plus Two Makes For...

This blog is about parenting: the glamor, the cuisine, and everything in between.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cruisin' for a boozin'

About a week before Christmas, I was sitting at the Exton mall playground sort of mulling life over when I saw a sign advertising a 3 night cruise to the Bahamas for $149. One hundred and forty-nine dollars??!!! Even I can afford THAT.

I had been considering planning a trip, a weekend away. I never thought of myself as a "Cruise" person, whatever that is (visualizing Love Boat meets The Golden Girls with spring break undertones). I began researching 'all inclusives', airfare to Jamaica, I mean I used to be a mosquito net, backpack kind of traveller, so I figured I could get us "away" on the cheap without resorting to a cruise.
Well.... I couldn't, not for that price and not getting away with only being away for a weekend and having meals and N/A beverages included. Anywhere else the airfare either tripled the cost or the time en route made it almost not worth going.

So, I booked a cruise. I had an elaborate scheme to have a different person stay overnight with the kids each night so they could stay in their own beds, while they spent days with my in laws... but when I called my MIL she said she wanted them to stay there for the weekend. After making certain she was absolutely SURE, I agreed.

I then had a series of panic attacks about the house burning down and them falling out of bed and cracking heads open. These were shortly followed by more anxiety regarding my husband and my ability to get along for a weekend alone.

We have spent so much time being there for the kids, working as a child raising team, that it suddenly seemed alien, the thought of us waking to days of quality time together. Would we have much to say? Would we even LIKE each other without the foil of children constantly there? And after all of that, I began to get really, really excited. So we are leaving for our first weekend away from the kids on Friday.

I thought the Bahamas would be a good tropical location. I have been sorting tank tops and making swim suits a goal for a month now. Well, I just checked the weather, and it will be rainy and in the 60's the whole weekend. I almost cried. I would have if I hadn't had a three year old at my leg asking me to play.

But then I remembered that it will still be our first weekend away. We will be kid free, unencumbered by routine, and able to do anything we want (except maybe sunbathe). I am set on snorkeling no matter what the temp, as the water will be the same, but I realize it might be folly.

So if we do have a good time, then cruising will have proved the ultimate in travel advantage for the fiscally and temporally challenged.

...I'll let you know.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Check out local summer camps this Sunday...

There will be a Summer Camp Fair at Westtown this Sunday, with camps for ages 2-19. Plan ahead!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Oprah is offering Suze Orman's book as a free download

Get a financial kick in the butt for the New Year... offer expires Jan. 15th.

Suze Orman, 2009 Action Plan

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A New Year of Birthdays... Ideas

Happy New Year everyone!

Preschool has started up again, so my winter “break” is over and I have a few moments to myself to blog again. Someone asked me how my vacation was, and I felt like saying, “my vacation starts today!” Anyway, we had an exciting, cough-and mucus-filled few weeks of revelry and gift giving, and now life can pick up a semi-normal rhythm again. I installed a digital clock in the kid’s room as we begin to learn to tell time and to know what ‘number’ means that they can wake up and get up out of bed. And no, that number is not four!!

On Sunday we went to a wonderful birthday party held out in Lancaster at a place called Willow Valley. It is a conference center with an indoor pool and Starfish Cove, where you can have a water park adventure birthday party any time of year! It was fun, and from what I understand not too expensive for what you get. My kids have a birthday in March, but I am already exploring options. To be honest, we will probably be a bit restrained by budgetary considerations this year, but some of these look like great fun!
Ponies! -
Water park-
Philly zoo -
Natural Science -
Fire house -
Zoo comes to you -
My Gym -
Please Touch -
Hands on House -
Elmwood Zoo -
Bounce! -