Blogs > Two Plus Two Makes For...

This blog is about parenting: the glamor, the cuisine, and everything in between.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prince and the Princess

Two four-year-olds, brother and sister, a morning to play dress up.

The game is Prince and the Princess... a slight spin from Mom and Dad, because in Mom and Dad they take care of animals and go on trips. In P&P, the Prince tries to fight off dragons and monsters while the Princess attempts to set up a wedding ceremony in her plastic high heels, yelling at the Prince to stop swinging his sword around.
Perhaps I have overdosed them on Disney?
Time will tell.

I read an interesting book called The Sixties, in which the author reminisced about starting up an alternative school in London, and of how they believed in free form education. They were rebelling against the soul crushing uniforms and endless memorization of the straight schools.

And then she said that in her sixties now, looking back after raising her own child, she can see that the mind develops over time, and that a small child cannot get through all of the conceptual layers at once. So it is actually preferable to have them memorize. She sees that it is really, more helpful in the long run to just get the rules of grammar and mathematics down, as tools to use later, because they have the rest of their lives to ponder the deeper meanings of things.


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