Blogs > Two Plus Two Makes For...

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Sticking it to you

Isn't there some joke about certain people enjoying any food served on a stick? Well, apparently it applies to my children. Grandma turned them on to corn dogs (ick!), so after school in a panic to make people happy, I skewered a couple of hot dogs onto bamboo skewers and voila! happy four year olds! We then moved on to rolls on a stick, PBnJ sandwich squares on a stick.... I think I am on to something here. Next - broccoli on a stick!

So, a lot of parents I know are freaking out about the date change for kindergarten enrollment. it used to be 5 by 9/30, now it is 5 by 9/1... what did my friend at preschool say today? FOUR years of preschool seems a bit much, doesn't it? Her son has a 9/9 Bday date and she just got the news.

I am lucky that way, we are March Bdays here, so no gray area. But what to do for the rest? Further consideration had me leaning toward two or three days of preschool, and then, hey, take advantage of the time to offer your child karate lessons, or swim lessons or a combination of skill building things they would otherwise be too busy for. Granted, there's the financial issue, but do what you can do, right?

Sticky situations abound... and I know, preschool and K are now considered the blocks upon which educations are built. But I am of the opinion that life lessons can come from anywhere, a preschool teacher may have some, but there are always other avenues to be explored.


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